How responsive is your email list? Your email list is only as responsive as the relationship that you have built with it. Do your emails generally contain strong, useful information, or are they shabby attempts to sell something every time you mail?
The subscribers on your email list are looking for good content, or they wouldn't have subscribed to your list. They are also screening you for quality. If your emails are lousy and grammatically poor and contain very little fresh information, your readers will simply assume that your product is lousy, grammatically poor and has little fresh information.
Your auto responder sequence should be full of informative emails packed with useful gems that a reader can apply immediately, without purchasing your product. Once they apply some of your techniques, and they see that they work or make sense, they will feel much more comfortable sending you a check for your primary product.
So how do you do it?
1. Write intelligently. Write intelligently--you are the expert in the field about which you write, that is why they are reading your emails.
2. Write comfortably. They should be able to read the letter with the same ease that they might be discussing your product or the subject of the email in their den with a cup of coffee. The language should not be stilted or awkward; it should simply be easy to read.
3. Don't try to sell around every corner. Feel free to send an email or two with useful information and simply a link to your web site. You don't have to sell them on your product everyday. Let them enjoy reading your letter. Think about some of the letters you read daily. Are they long-winded sales pitches, or are they informative?
4. Be sure to send a sufficient number of emails. When you are first getting to know your client, and they have the highest level of interest, mail more frequently, maybe 3-5 times per week. Once you have developed a relationship and they will recognize you by your email or name, you can drop down in frequency. Keep in mind that if you have truly informative emails that add to their knowledge base, you can generally mail more often. If you are sending out sales letters every other day, you will be asked to unsubscribe them in a hurry! So use good judgment here.
5. Before you send out any email, read it and ask yourself what you would do if you received that email in your inbox. Would you read it, click through from it, delete it, or unsubscribe from the list?
6. Remember that your reader is a person, not an email inbox. Be personal. Be respectful. Treat them like you want to be treated--remember the "golden rule"?--it works!
Westly Lager is a success mentor and coach helping teach people how to work online. With Westly's experience and expertise you can't go wrong. See how Westly can help you today by visiting My Internet Business also checkout My Internet Business